Tuesday, May 30, 2023

What's in it for Me?

At that time Peter began to tell Jesus, ‘What about us? We have left everything and followed you.’

The rich young man has just walked away despondent at not being able to meet Jesus' challenge to give his wealth away.  Impetuous Peter speaks what's on all the disciples'minds... what about us? We gave everything away to follow you. What do we get in return?

What's in it for me? A very human response when the demands being made are big. Being overtly Christian costs me. Not as much as some truly persecuted believers in other countries but still, there's a price to pay in our secular society. We are regarded as a lunatic fringe group at best, dangerous bigots at worst. 

Jesus gives an answer. Everything is in it for you Mike, especially where it counts in eternity. 

Saint Peter the asker of good questions, please pray for me.


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