Thursday, December 10, 2015

Give God the Glory

I will give you glory, O God my king, I will bless your name for ever. How good is the Lord to all, compassionate to all his creatures.

King David writes a song of praise and blessing, exulting how God is good and compassionate to all.

I'm mindful of my nephew, struggling with what looks to be a loosing battle with cancer. When I read scripture such as that above, praising God for his goodness and kindness to everyone, I have to remember that what appears a disaster to me must look very different to God. His view is eternal and I simply cannot imagine with any accuracy how that appears.

So, I reread the above psalm of praise and trust God again. Then that wonderful exchange happens. My anxieties are replaced with peace, a peace beyond understanding and I give God the glory.

Father in Heaven, you are so kind and compassionate. Let your mercy reign over Brooke's life. Give Mary and Chris your peace beyond understanding. In your son Jesus' name, Amen.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of us all, pray for us.

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