Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do Nothing Day

On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing. He rested on the seventh day after all the work he had been doing. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he had rested after all his work of creating. Gn.2:2,3 

 Today's first reading from Genesis tells of the completion of God's creative work at the beginning of time. Days five and six were spent filling the world with life, crowned by the creation of man and woman. Then God did a strange thing. He allowed a day to pass where he deliberately did nothing and then blessed that day as a sacred "do nothing day".

God rested but he didn't need the rest. He was setting in place a rhythm of life for us to follow. Work and then rest. The resting aspect of life is so important that God sanctified it, made it holy. Why? It's the day I reconnect with him, reconnect with my family. It's the day that life is given its full meaning.

This coming weekend I will be working on Sunday. It's the first game of the Cricket World Cup in Hamilton and I'm called to be there to help make it happen. This is an aberration to my normal Sunday rest. I need to make sure that holy day is the norm in my life so my life is kept in correct perspective.

 Jesus, you observed the Sabbath and kept it holy. Help me spend this day with you and those I love that I may enjoy life in its fullness. Little Flower, please pray for me.

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