Saturday, June 29, 2013

See Rightly

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles.

Jesus replied, ‘Simon son of Jonah, you are a happy man! Because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you but my Father in heaven. So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.
Mt. 16:17,18

Jesus has asked His disciples who do they say He is.  After the burbling replies of the other disciples, Peter proclaims the right answer;  ‘You are the Christ,’ he said ‘the Son of the living God.’ .  As though waiting for this expected answer, Jesus grabs it and uses it to instate Peter as the head of the fledgling Church.

I love this side of Jesus' personality.  He only sees the best in people.  He looked past the ignorant, impetuous, betraying, course fisherman in front of Him and saw Peter the Rock.  Eventually Peter grew into that vision of himself.  This is a great lesson for how I need to look at people... for how I need to look at myself.

Jesus, thank you for seeing gold in miry clay, for turning sinners into saints.  Help me to see others, to see myself, through your eyes.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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