Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Power of Two

The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit. 

Jesus commissions the seventy-two for their mission trip, arranging them in pairs. A pair working together is more effective than two individuals working alone.  Forget the power of one. It's the power of two. 

I've experienced this truth in my marriage. My wife and I call it "Couple Power". It's something to do with the power of the marriage sacrament. One (husband) plus one (wife) plus one (Holy Spirit) equals a thousand. We still experience this phenomena when we minister together in prayer ministry and children's liturgy. 

There's also a practical side to this. One of us is the pointman while the other gives prayer cover. In youth ministry I've learnt, the hard way, that I can't be both preacher and policeman. 

Jesus was on to something. Ministry in pairs gets amazing results. 

Thank you Lord that through the power of our marriage we can proclaim the Kingdom of God is near at hand. 

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