Friday, October 4, 2024

Enjoy the Feather

Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Feeling overburdened? Come to me says Jesus, I will exchange that pile of bricks you carry on your back for a feather.

Rest for my soul. Don't we all yearn for this deep, peaceful rest? I'm sitting in my lounge looking out on the unfolding of a beautiful spring morning. Yet, if I let my mind wander I soon feel the faint nag of anxieties... for my wife who is ill at the moment, for my children who all carry crosses of sorts, for myself over time pressures... and so it goes on. 

Give it all to me, says Jesus. Go on, all of it, hold nothing back. In exchange I give you a feather from the wing of that bird you hear singing outside at the moment. Take that feather into your day. It will remind you that I am walking beside you. Yes, those burdens exist, but I am carrying them.

Enjoy the feather...

Saint Francis, please pray for me.

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