Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Stand Up

The Lord said to Samuel, ‘Take no notice of his appearance or his height for I have rejected him; God does not see as man sees; man looks at appearances but the Lord looks at the heart.’

Samuel has been sent by God to Jessie's house to select a replacement for King Saul. Jessie has no shortage of fine-looking, strong sons but God rejects them all, selecting the insignificant boy David who is out tending the sheep. As fine a boy as David is, it's his heart that impresses God.

David grows up to be a great and courageous king, yet it is probably his fall for which he is most remembered. This "man after God's own heart" commits adultery with Bathsheba and then plans the murder of her husband Uriah to attempt a cover up.

This story gives me great hope. It means that God, who knows the darkest corners of my heart, still calls me and anoints me. None of my sins are a surprise to him, yet he still pours his love down over me. Today I live out my day as an anointed Son of God. I can "stand up and lift my head" as his chosen one.

Father in Heaven, you know my heart, both its radiance and its darkness. Yet you still love me. Help me see myself rightly today, as you see me, a chosen and loved son.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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