Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Remember and Have Faith

Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you not yet understand? Have you no perception?

The disciples thoughts are so preoccupied with their lack of food that they fail to recognize the infinite source of everything that is with them. Jesus.

The cares and worries of this world choke the seed of faith, at least that is my experience. My wife is better at turning to Jesus in tough times. 

I remember once when our family was young and we were in financial woes. Kate made a list of all the bills we were facing and placed it before a crucifix during family prayer time. We then prayed to God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills to help us meet our financial obligations. Over the next few weeks, through a bit of austerity plus me receiving a bonus from work (never happened before), the bills were paid. This was faith building for the children and for me.

"Do you not  remember the five loaves feeding the five thousand?" asks Jesus. Yes Lord, I remember and I place my trust in you.

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