‘It is what comes out of a man that makes him unclean. For it is from within, from men’s hearts, that evil intentions emerge:"
In response to the Pharisee's criticism of the disciples over their failure to observe rituals, Jesus gets to the heart of the matter. What matters is the heart.
Of the twelve evil intentions that Jesus lists, I can name at least ten that I have committed. I'm not proud of this statistic, but there it is. In each case the evil has come from within, from my heart, so I understand what Jesus is talking about.
But Good News! Heart surgery can take place. When Jesus talks about me becoming a new man, born again, he means I have a new heart. This heart surgery is ongoing daily. Each time I go to Mass I receive a new heart, go to confession, a new heart, read the comments on the Christian Art forum, a new heart.
I gladly lay before the Great Physician and say, "Cut deep Lord. Create in me a new heart, renew a right spirit within me."
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