Friday, August 9, 2024

The Deal about Death and Life

See now that I, I am He,
and beside me there is no other god.

It is I who deal death and life;
when I have struck it is I who heal.

It is I who deal death and give life.

Where does life come from, where does it go? I am He says the Lord.

A dear friend is facing death following a heart attack. The family has gathered with varying degrees of faith. For those with faith there is hope, for those without it is hopeless. 

How does the saying go? There are two certainties in life. Death and taxes. We make sure there is money in the bank to face the taxman. Let's make sure there is a reservoir of faith in my life to face God, for face him I will when the allotted time comes.

Jesus, I place my trust in you.

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