Saturday, November 21, 2015

Death, Where is your Victory?

Alleluia, alleluia! 
Our Saviour Jesus Christ has done away with death and brought us life through his gospel. Alleluia!

Today's Gospel Acclamation is taken from Saint Paul's second letter to Timothy. It describes the grace, the free gift, that is given to us by Jesus. And what is that? The defeat of death and in its place, eternal life.

Death has taken the headlines this past week. France is still in grief over the Paris slayings Friday week ago. Reports are just coming in of a similar attack at a hotel in Mali. Paul's words fly in the face of such news. This Gospel, this Good News, is what robs the terrorist attacks of any victory. We know that earthly death is not the end of our story. There is much more, oh so much more, so our hope and joy remain intact.

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

Today is a good day for me to be the bearer of this Good News. And with this Gospel quickly follows the fragrance of Joy and Hope. Alleluia!

Thank you Jesus for the the free gift of victory over death by your promise of eternal life. I claim that promise my myself and my family today.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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