Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Upside Down Pyramid

Many who are first will be last, and the last first.

Jesus calls me to radically change my point of view on life to a perspective opposite to the world's. 

A metaphor for the life Jesus calls me to is an upside down pyramid. From Jesus' standpoint, the least are the greatest, the last are first, the weak and defenseless enter the Kingdom to become rulers. The Church agrees with this. Popes are called servants of the servants of God. 

So, that carnal desire in me to be the best, the greatest, the smartest needs to be nailed to The Cross and crucified. This Lent could be a good time to change my perspective, a good time to turn the pyramid upside down.

Jesus, you know how I strive to be the greatest. Help me strive to be the least so I may be great in your sight.

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