Thursday, December 19, 2024

Father's Hearts

 He will go before him to turn the hearts of fathers towards their children.

The Angel Gabriel breaks the astounding news to Zechariah that he and Elizabeth are to bear a son who will be great in preparing a people fit for the Lord. What will be the sign that the people are prepared? Fathers hearts will be turned to their children.

I was walking through a central city park yesterday and came across a group of young people loitering under trees for no apparent purpose. A bivouac had been made under the branches of a tree, it's walls made from supermarket trolleys. The place had the appearance of a refugee camp, which in a way it was. 

I had the sense these young people were abandoned and left to their own devices. They were fatherless. It strikes me that if there is a "silver bullet" to resolve the ills of western society, it is the turning of the hearts of fathers back to their children. I would add this starts by fathers loving the mothers of their children. 

The Holy Family is a role model for what a family is to look like. Dad loving Mum loving Kids. 

Mary, Jesus and Joseph please pray for us.

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