Monday, January 6, 2025


From that moment Jesus began his preaching with the message, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.’

On learning of John the Baptist's imprisonment, rather than taking a low profile Jesus steps up his ministry, amplifying John's message "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is close at hand".

In essence, the "Good News of the Kingdom" is Repent. What's so good about repentance? I recall being driven to my knees when I first acknowledged there is a God and that I was far from him. My repentance gave me a sense of freedom I had never previously experienced. It was unexpected and took me by surprise. It was definitely Good News!

I've heard it said good people won't necessarily get to heaven. Only the forgiven can have that hope. All the thief on the cross could do was repent and it gave him the assurance of paradise. 

Repent. Good News indeed to take into my day.

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