Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Fight! Win!

Standing by the lake of glass, those who had fought against the beast and won.

John's vision portrays a victorious host standing before God the Father and worshipping him. The host had a common experience. They had fought and won.

I am a member of the Church Militant, an army that is in battle every day. At the end of the Church's liturgical year I am reminded not only of this but also that I will be part of the Church Triumphant if I do one thing. What is that? Fight. 

This is not a time to roll over and capitulate. The battle is winnable. I just need to keep fighting evil wherever I find it. This can be within me and without. As Edna Mode says in the Incredibles, "Fight! Win!" Remind the devil who he is (a loser) and who I am (Victorious). 


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